Inner Peace

Personal work to test some painterly techniques during Narrative Illustration class at Underpaint Academy with the amazing Adrian Bush. I wouldn't call it succesful, as it was very foreign to me following this structure, trying to imply detail without overdoing it, making my abstract themes clearly visible, etc.

But this is a bit special to me, as nothing else like sighthounds and the sea transmit this inner peace to me. So I tried to reflect this peace in a friendly community living with native giant greyhounds, the size of their souls, that could easily kill any human but they would never hurt a fly. At the same time, these humans respect and care for them as it should be in real life. All in a location that looks like a warm beach but could be made of snow.

So here it is, first personal piece I'm willing to show in a long time, and just taking the chance to use subjects and techniques I'm not used to.